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October 27, 2015

The Coast Packing Company Story

The Coast Packing Company Story

Not long ago, a quiet (but quite large) manufacturing firm launched an ad campaign that trumpeted the value of being behind the scenes. “We don’t make the widgets,” the voiceover intoned. “We make the widgets better.” Coast Packing Company is like that. Coast doesn’t make the food that millions of consumers eat – it makes that food taste better.

Coast Packing, a closely held corporation, is the number one supplier of animal fat shortenings in the Western United States. The company supplies millions of pounds of animal and vegetable shortening products to the California market on a weekly basis.

The company didn’t get there overnight. Coast Packing has been a quiet leader in the Southwest for nearly a century, growing and evolving in a way that now seems almost quaint. But when the bottom line includes considerations like quality, reliability and transparency, everything becomes easier to digest.

An integral part of Southern California’s restaurant, baking and food industries, Coast Packing Company was built on consistent quality and customer relationships that span generations. Within the trade, Coast is known for its line of quality shortenings and oils, backed up by both superior service and unsurpassed value.

Coast Packing Company’s number one status isn’t solely a statement about its size. While the numbers are significant, the company’s growth has not fundamentally changed its status as a family business that continues to live by the handshake.

Coast Packing’s business is entirely relationship‐based. Coast understands what the market wants – the company positions itself with services as well as products. Coast works closely with customers to make any issue or concern right. Coast customers are loyal because their experiences have been reinforced. As customers can attest, Coast has exceeded expectations for decades.

Quality and flavor profile come first at Coast Packing Company. Coast lard and beef tallow shortenings are original, authentic and consistent– they possess the classic flavor that consumers want. Customers expect that the product they buy will perform at the level to which they are accustomed.

Customers know that Coast products deliver the ultimate in versatility for cooking, baking and frying. But flavor isn’t all that Coast delivers. Down the line, products offer superior creaming properties, long fry life, low absorption, stability and durability ‐‐ and zero trans fats.

The company sells to major manufacturers, distributors, retailers, smaller food service operations, leading bakeries and lesser concerns. Coast Packing is active in virtually every major area of the food industry and then some. Coast’s refined and fully deodorized beef tallow has been an ingredient in lotions and soaps for more than 30 years.

The company participates actively in various ethnic markets – from Hispanic retail chains, with its VIVA brand, to various Asian specialty markets. Coast Packing’s reach reflects the demographic and ethnic makeup of the U.S. as a whole.

Coast Packing Company is regional, national and, increasingly, global. Markets extend from Southern California to Washington State, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas and Utah. Internationally, Coast is active in Mexico, and as the market allows, the company ships to Asia. The company sources raw materials from major meat packing plants across the United States. In some cases, supplier relationships are multigenerational, extending back 50 years and more.

As significant change occurs in the food industry ‐‐ now that partially hydrogenated oils (PHO) have lost their “generally recognized as safe” status with the Food and Drug Administration ‐‐ an education process has begun, and Coast Packing Company is deeply engaged in that process. Bolstered by the “zero artificial trans fat” status of its product line, the company is emerging as a thought leader, helping to enable those inside and outside the industry to understand the difference between artificial trans fats and natural, beneficial, animal‐sourced trans fats.