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Coast Coverage

Sonoma County Man is a French-fry Legend
he Sonoma County GazetteSeptember 09, 2024
Sonoma County Man is a French-fry Legend

This summer, America came together to celebrate its love for French fries, and a Sonoma County resident was among the winners of Coast Packing Co.’s 7th Annual Beef Tallow French Fry Contest. Yoshiharu Sogi of Santa Rosa, California, took home second place, impressing the judges with his beef tallow fries, which he plans to add to his catering menu.

Coast Packing Company celebrates French fries and beef tallow with contest
bakemag.comJuly 12, 2024
Coast Packing Company celebrates French fries and beef tallow with contest

Coinciding with the July 12 observance of #NationalFrenchFryDay and #NationalBeefTallowDay on July 13, Coast Packing Company, a leading supplier of animal fat shortenings, is asking fry-lovers to submit a favorite restaurant that features beef tallow French fries by including the hashtag #BeefTallowFrenchFries and tag @CoastPackingCo, while adding enticing photos of the fries themselves.

Meat Institute Elects New Officers for 2024
meatpoultry.comOctober 19, 2023
Meat Institute Elects New Officers for 2024

The North American Meat Institute detailed its newly elected key officers for 2024 which included Eric Gustafson, chairman and chief executive officer of Coast Packing Company, being elected incoming chairman.

Taco María is the Tortilla Tournament's First Two-Time Winner!
kcrw.comOctober 09, 2023
Taco María is the Tortilla Tournament’s First Two-Time Winner!

I’m writing this a couple of hours after the historic finale for the 2023 edition of KCRW and Gustavo’s Great Tortilla Tournament, held yesterday (October 8) at Smorgasburg LA. Before me are a bunch of small quesadillas made from corn tortillas I bought at Miramar Tortillería in East Los Angeles, my all-time favorite machine-made corn tortilla. I always love to give them a plug when I can, not just to let people know where the good stuff is, but also to let them know that Miramar hasn’t been in the #TortillaTournament since 2021, since the competition is that tough.

Coast Packing Survey Finds Consumers Appreciate Animal Fats
BakeMag.comApril 06, 2023
Coast Packing Survey Finds Consumers Appreciate Animal Fats

In the latest animal fats study from Coast Packing, a leading supplier of animal fat shortenings in the Western United States, roughly half of the more than 1,000 Americans sampled like what animal fats do to the taste of various dishes.