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Beef Tallow | July 13, 2019

Keeping Alive the Spirit of #NationalBeefTallowDay, Coast Packing Company Unveils Ongoing Nationwide Ultimate #TallowFriesFatMap

Keeping Alive the Spirit of #NationalBeefTallowDay, Coast Packing Company Unveils Ongoing Nationwide  Ultimate #TallowFriesFatMap

Like ketchup or mayo (or something else) on your beef tallow French fries?

Whatever your preference, you no longer need to search for those fries in vain, now that Coast Packing Company, the West’s largest supplier of animal fat shortenings, has chosen to memorialize the Second Annual #NationalBeefTallowDay – which happens to be today, July 13, #NationalFrenchFryDay –with the first-ever Ultimate #TallowFriesFatMap, the company has announced.

A new fixture on the Coast Packing website, the inaugural Ultimate #TallowFriesFatMap showcases tallow fries on offer in 218 locations in 136 cities across 41 states. Consumers interested in contributing to the Ultimate #TallowFriesFatMap can do so by emailing

Traveling generally from east to west, diners can get their beef fat fries fix at: Worthy Kitchen in Woodstock, VT, offering Wagyu beef tallow fries; Peter Luger in Brooklyn; The Bourse Philadelphia in the City of Brotherly Love; in Virginia, Bside in Fairfax and Pure Eats in Lexington; Hello, Sailor in Cornelius, NC; Fire & Smoke in Myrtle Beach, SC (featuring hand-cut fries, fried in beef tallow, truffle sea salt, freshly grated reggiano and house-made ketchup); Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse in Chicago; Kenny’s Wood Fired Grill in Dallas (look for tallow fries, salted with a special seasoning); Bayou & Bottle in Houston; Salt + Smoke in St. Louis; Frites Las Vegas (“Revere the Fry”) at the Excalibur; Clove & Hoof in Oakland; Edendale in Los Angeles; and, along the Pacific, The Arthur J and The Strand House in Manhattan Beach.

An initiative of The Healthy Fats Coalition, #NationalBeefTallowDay is a celebration of a traditional animal fat – pure beef tallow shortening – that is now enjoying a resurgence within America’s food culture, in restaurants, fast food operations and home kitchens.

“Our ‘living’ Ultimate #TallowFriesFatMap delivers on the promise of Coast’s ongoing ‘Taste the Difference,’ campaign,” said Eric R. Gustafson, Coast Packing CEO. “If you’ve ever had beef tallow fries, you know what we mean. And if you haven’t yet, the Second Annual National Beef Tallow Day is the perfect time to try them (and, yes, taste the difference). You’ll never want to go back – they’re that good.

“In terms of freshness, flavor and texture, there really is no comparison to beef tallow French fries, which is exactly why we’re so delighted when consumers can taste for themselves,” Gustafson said. “Toward that end, we at Coast Packing encourage tallow fries lovers to help make this the definitive go-to guide to finding and savoring French fries fried right. As writer/social critic/food lover Malcolm Gladwell tweeted:”

Have a favorite restaurant that offers beef tallow French fries? If so, drop Coast an email at and the company will add it to the Ultimate #TallowFriesFatMap.