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“Trans fats are out, and minimally processed animal fats – in the form of lard, derived from pork, and beef tallow – are decidedly making a comeback…”

PRNewswire – As the FDA clamps down on artificial trans fats in processed foods, a new consumer survey from Coast Packing Company and Ipsos Research indicates that younger Americans are more receptive to animal fats in their diet than their elders — and are eating accordingly. ….. According to the survey, those in the 18-34 age bracket are twice as open to animal fats as the next oldest group (35-54) – 15 percent to 7 percent — and three times as open as those 55 and over (5 percent). Behavior does indeed follow attitudes: by a wide margin, those 18-34 are leading the charge back to animal fats. Fully 13 percent say their consumption has increased – dramatically higher than those 35-54 (5 percent) and those 55+ (2 percent). Just 28 percent of those 18-34 say they have reduced their intake of animal fats, vs. 33 percent of those 35-54 and 46 percent of those 55+.

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