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Younger Americans are more receptive to animal fats in their diets than older consumers, according to new research from Coast Packing Company and Ipsos. As millennials have concluded that animal fats have been unfairly demonized, minimally processed animal fats like lard and beef tallow have made a comeback.

A survey of 1,000 adults found that respondents from 18 to 34 are two times as open animal fats as the next oldest age bracket. They are three times as receptive as consumers who are 55 and older.

Thirteen percent of millennials say their consumption of animal fats has increased, and only 28 percent report having reduced the amount of animal fat in their diets. The highest increases in animal fat consumption were reported by households that have children (11 percent), by those who are employed part time (14 percent), and by non-whites (11 percent).

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