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Younger Americans are more open to consuming animal fats now than they were a year ago, according to research from Coast Packing Company and Ipsos Research. Overall, 13 percent of all consumers are receptive to animal fats, up 9 percent from a year ago. Nine percent also say their consumption has increased.

Almost a quarter of millennials are open to animal fats in their diet, and 20 percent have increased their intake of them. Age is still the most decisive differentiator among the demographics, with a greater percentage of those 55 and up less open to animal fats than any other age group, almost double the response from millennials. In terms of gender, 18 percent of men are now open to animal fats, compared to only 8 percent of women. Fourteen percent of men have increased their intake of animal fats, while only 5 percent of women report the same.

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